Monday, 28 March 2011

Belated Specialist Clinic Day 3.

My bad for getting this out late, but I've been super busy with lectures and work. Since I've got another post to write about the vet clinic that I was in today, this one'll be quite brief.

The deal today was that we swapped over at lunchtime to a new group of students starting their half-week in the specialist clinic, which meant that we didn't get to do very much at all because most of our patients arrived at around 11/12. But, we did get to see the amount of progress that our motor neuron schnauzer had made - which was fantastic. I was first in, so I went to see her before I started, and was a bit concerned because she looked exhausted and was barely responding to me, but it turned out that she'd just returned from a walk - yep, a walk - under mostly her own steam all the way out to the grass at the front of the building (maybe 35-40m, but a big deal for a sick dog) with just a sling (rectangle of fabric with handles) behind her front legs and another sling in front of her back legs, which just allowed the nurses to help support her if she tripped or needed a bit of extra help. She was doing really well, and was slated to go home later that day when we left. Took her out for another walk before we went, and she got all the way out and back with only minimal help, and managed to urinate by herself as well - extra bonus. My entire group was so proud of her for recovering so nicely, and it was really good to be able to see the progression of her recovery, not to mention the esteem boost of having a successful nursing case.

We also had some bad news though. The Newfoundland that was in on the second day came back in to the after hours clinic, and was unfortunately euthanised. I have to admit that I think it was the right time for her to go, but it would have been very sad for her owners, and it was a little bit of a shock to us, seeing as it hadn't really been discussed the day before. I do feel for her owners, but I think that in the end they made the decision that was best for HER, not for them...and i commend them on having the courage to make the hard choice.

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